Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Jaume!!!

I si... un altre que fa anys... pero ja no direm quants (no caben tants digits a la pantalla, hehehehe).
En fin, com que obviament no estarem per Barcelona per a celebrar-ho (llastima)... i com que tambe ens faria il.lusio participar en la celebracio... doncs hem pensat contractar a algu famoset per a felicitar a en Jaume. Vale, president? :)

Espero que t'agradi!


Happy Birthday Bojan!!!

And yessssss.... he's becoming older and older... and soon he will need to finally use the artificial teeth I got him for his b-day. But never mind, I hope you enjoyed the last b-day you have "in your twenties", old man.

Eeeeeeh, fantastic cake, eh?

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